Re: My health journey so far/ iodine
Getting the selenium/zinc/vitamin E levels up can really help with the skin too, though as has been mentioned by the earlier posters, it's often hidden trash in the diet that can be an inhibitory factor in healing.
If you're in a GMO-permitting country, the problem is often in grains/corn/rice- roundup. Roundup is a pesticide made from glycophosphates, and messes with pretty much all the cycles in the body which use glycogen, glycine, and phosphate. Another gum in the works, eh?
There's always organic foods, which is a relief. :-)
I really appreciate your sharing your story!
When it comes to amalgams, iodine's a good way to push the junk out. You may want to look into fulvic acid, It is a very good way to get mercury out of the body, as it supplies a lot of minerals to replace the old junk.
When I use it at the right dose my skin feels less dry and a sense of relaxation goes through my system- and it has anti-biotic properties against the extremophiles (soil organisms) that like to accumulate heavy metals as part of their metabolism. (That's how you get seams of gold and silver and the like in the soil).
Amalgams the problem isn't so much (or better put, to be blamed only on) the mineral itself, but the way microbes try to use it.
Anyways, I grabbed supreme fulvic. Had an older forumgoer point me in that direction, since he said it gave him the best results.
Still cleaning out house after 13
Amalgams here, but hey, glad to hear from a person on a similar journey!