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(Side-)Effects since starting enemas
royalnonesuch Views: 497
Published: 9 y

(Side-)Effects since starting enemas

These are symptoms I noticed pretty much daily since starting the enemas:

1. When I wake up, I can often have 2-3 bowel movements over the space of a few hours. These smell strongly of ammonia. There is also a lot of 'white tissue' left in the bowl, which I've been told can be yeast or mucus.

I see other strange stuff: dark purple-y/brown goo, seeds, small worm-looking things.

2. My cognition is a little better, e.g. I can watch TV shows, which I couldn't do before.

3. I have had very vivid dreams the past few nights (no dream recall prior to that).

4. My Body Odor has worsened, and a rash has appeared inside my groin. The skin on my face is peeling. My eyes look a little yellow.

5. My stomach makes gurgling sounds often.

6. I was having trouble with nausea and vomiting bile occasionally, but using charcoal has helped that.

7. Difficulty falling asleep.

Now, the worst is:

8. My mood is very unstable. I pretty much want to kill everyone I live with, and I physically overreact to every tiny stressor -- my body tenses up and I feel awful, constantly angry/agitated.

It's hard to make sense of this all. My guess is that the things like improved dream recall are a good sign. But at the same time, the mood instability and aggression is so hard to deal with. I feel a bit damned-if-I-do/damned-if-I-don't because before I started the enemas, I felt so toxic and sick, whereas now it's like I have a bit more energy to feel angry/aggressive?

I have wondered if this is related to copper removal or Candida-die-off, or possibly both, and if it will pass. It's been about 3 weeks and I haven't had many moments where my mood lets up. It's just constant depression.


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