If you keep reading about CS it will become as clear asضوء Griz' Doc page is a good source for clarification of terms (unless he's still working on it as we speak) Your SS CS is fine. It merely needs to be affected by your digestion to work when taken internally and if used topically the areas fluids and environs will likewise cause the shedding of ions from the liquid silver.
All in all, retail or home made, colloidal silver waters have certain % of both silver metal AG(elemental) and ionic(AG+) atoms. The term "particulate" used to denote a particular type of colloidal silver water, like "True Colloidal", is a "red herring" (there must be an Arabic idiom for that.
Silver ionic atoms are transformed metal silver atoms and they kill (antibiotic). Silver non ionic atoms do not, but, can and do become ions if situations produce them(gastric or other acids in our body fluids).
Small groupings of atoms (less than a nanometer, a nanometer or a bit larger than a nanometer sized particles) work most efficiently.