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Re: Ecclesiastes, not one upright woman?
illys / elisah Views: 1,424
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Re: Ecclesiastes, not one upright woman?

That is the way it is for everybody who has the hutzpah to speak truth, especially in the world of 'relative truth'.

I suppose there's a point at which the hunger to discard the myths about YHWH becomes stronger than the offense. Though I find that reading through scripture in a cycle allows the depth of understanding to go forewards, like from stepping-stone to stepping-stone across a foggy river. Folk do slip into the water and get a cold dunk here and there, but the Holy Spirit is there to help us climb up and catch out balance again.

As for Ian McKellan, (I'm impressed to read he found scripture to be truthful), isn't it often a question of pride?

It's hard for a person to admit to themselves, 'I might be wrong'.

Please don't mistake me as having posted my original message as having taken offense to the bible- though I did post briefly because of the thoughts poking and prodding at that subject.

I think offenses form out of a person's experiences, not out of God's word being wrong.
It's usually peeps who get the interpretation askew, since there's a big tendency towards adding 'spin' to make the truth easier to swallow. Blech.


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