Re: Worst Internet Health Information Sites - Validity?
Ted Zava (who was persecuted here for god knows what reason) already posted some studies that mercury does in fact form mercuro-iodine compounds.
It makes perfect sense from both anecdotal and 'scientific' views that
Iodine does in fact displace mercury and probably other nasties like lead and cadmium. Bear in mind though that this is only displacement and you could likely get similar or better effect from selenium or zinc, and it does not form strong bonds.
My uninformed guess is that it will work about as well as cilantro in displacement - a good thing.
And while I'm on that topic a reminder of an old post I made somewhere that coriander seed is much more effective than cilantro (the leaf). Grind the seeds up, they are dirt cheap, and put it in liquids. The seeds are also a better hepatoprotective than silymarin; I have no idea why.
Iodine has a lot of benefit here too in that it is a great antibiotic, antiparasite, and general antipathogen so that when you do displace metals and the bugs swarm in for the cleanup you have an oxidizer right on the spot to clean them up as well.
Sometimes, however, you actually do want to go through some 'normal' cleansing. Don't game innate intelligence too much or there can be a price to pay. In other words, getting a cold or flu here or there might not be a bad thing and could have a lot of benefit.
Agree with Trapper, Sloane is a nuisance at best - medcapsules stay away.