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Re: Worst Internet Health Information Sites - Validity?
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Re: Worst Internet Health Information Sites - Validity?

ok, i just read that link, too and it does smell of james sloane(?). his tactic is to present a bunch of valid info to nest his lies in. he is quite good at it and the twisted thinking can be quite convoluted.

point is people can believe what the want and there is someone out there to tell them they are right. i like it like that. that way, people have nobody to blame but themselves regardless of the outcome.

the bromine problem is huge and the mercola article he sites is full of good info (like james does).

if you want an education on anything, go to legitimate sources before they have been compromised. find the natgeo article from the ninties about the chemicals within and the pollution within. i think there are two articles - the first and a follow up. read that and extrapolate to today and know. know you would need six pairs of lungs, five livers, ten kidneys and an extra spleen or two just to keep up with the detox. then you need three or four stomachs to get all the nutrition you need from our poor food. it is doom on a stick.

sloane wears diapers compared to this duncan guy and the scientists he was working with.

here is a qute from this article (its the follow-up one). it flies directly into the face of all the lies from all the liars trying to own people with their lies. the truth will set you free. (jesus christ)

"Åke Bergman of Stockholm University tells me he has received the results of a chemical analysis of my blood, which measured levels of flame-retarding compounds called polybrominated diphenyl ethers. In mice and rats, high doses of PBDEs interfere with thyroid function, cause reproductive and neurological problems, and hamper neurological development. Little is known about their impact on human health.

"I hope you are not nervous, but this concentration is very high," Bergman says with a light Swedish accent. My blood level of one particularly toxic PBDE, found primarily in U.S.-made products, is 10 times the average found in a small study of U.S. residents and more than 200 times the average in Sweden. The news about another PBDE variant—also toxic to animals—is nearly as bad. My levels would be high even if I were a worker in a factory making the stuff, Bergman says.

In fact I'm a writer engaged in a journey of chemical self-discovery. Last fall I had myself tested for 320 chemicals I might have picked up from food, drink, the air I breathe, and the products that touch my skin—my own secret stash of compounds acquired by merely living. It includes older chemicals that I might have been exposed to decades ago, such as DDT and PCBs; pollutants like lead, mercury, and dioxins; newer pesticides and plastic ingredients; and the near-miraculous compounds that lurk just beneath the surface of modern life, making shampoos fragrant, pans nonstick, and fabrics water-resistant and fire-safe.

The tests are too expensive for most individuals—National Geographic paid for mine, which would normally cost around $15,000—and only a few labs have the technical expertise to detect the trace amounts involved. I ran the tests to learn what substances build up in a typical American over a lifetime, and where they might come from. I was also searching for a way to think about risks, benefits, and uncertainty—the complex trade-offs embodied in the chemical "body burden" that swirls around inside all of us.

Now I'm learning more than I really want to know.

Bergman wants to get to the bottom of my flame-retardant mystery. Have I recently bought new furniture or rugs? No. Do I spend a lot of time around computer monitors? No, I use a titanium laptop. Do I live near a factory making flame retardants? Nope, the closest one is over a thousand miles (1,600 kilometers) away. Then I come up with an idea.

"What about airplanes?" I ask.

"Yah," he says, "do you fly a lot?"

"I flew almost 200,000 miles (320,000 kilometers) last year," I say. In fact, as I spoke to Bergman, I was sitting in an airport waiting for a flight from my hometown of San Francisco to London."


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