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swelling, shoulder pain, dark circles under eyes
SouthCarolinaJeff Views: 2,610
Published: 9 y

swelling, shoulder pain, dark circles under eyes

Hello Folks

Perhaps you could help me diagnose what is going on.

I am a 23 year old male.

About a year ago, I caught double inner ear infections (couldn't hear) and noticed my lymph nodes down to collarbone ached and felt a "swelling or tightness" on that side of my neck ever since. It then progressed to swollen feet (not ankles, just pads of feet) and they were painful to walk. The swelling is now in my right armpit and under right shoulder blade and in between spine and blade. I am doing PT for the shoulder to help rebuild those muscles on right side.

I have dropped out of school and work because I was simply not capable of much, couldn't sleep well etc. Lost weight. Frequent urination. I am seeing doctors but haven't got any help yet. Now I am on SSRI medication to deal with the Depression and it has helped with energy levels and my sleeping. This leads me to think I have developed adrenal fatigue, and the meds are helping that. What also makes me think I have adrenal fatigue is the fact that no matter how much sleep I get, my under eyes are dark blue and in the morning appear puffy. I am eating and digesting great and eat organic and drink reverse osmosis water. I take supplements such as tumeric, melatonin, and immune system supps.

My hunch is that this I developed lymph swelling from those ear infections. The nodes themselves dont swell, but the areas around them in right neck and right armpit are swollen, tender, and tight. I am doing things to help the swelling such as acupuncture and swimming and massage. But What can I do to help my adrenals? and if you have any ideas what could be going on, don't hesitate to throw out ideas. I haven't done any cleanses yet.

Here is a pic of underarm swelling


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