Re: Systemic mold or yeast infection or parasite
OMG, your doctors are doing a number on you. I'll bet they gave you
Antibiotics and did NOT tell you to take Probiotics to restore your natural gut flora.
Antibiotics destroy your gut flora which results in a deadly case of Candida. See the 5 stages of Candida:
Most important for now is to take probiotics to restore you gut flora.
"all things available high in
Sugar , carbohydrates..."
These foods cause the Candida to explode. You should immediately go on a Paleo Diet. NO SUGAR, NO GRAINS, NO SWEET DRINKS, NO HIGH CARB FOODS.
Next most important is to safely kill off your candida & infections. To do this, please take 3 tablespoons daily of
Colloidal Silver .
Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus & single cell
parasites safely & without side effects.
I recommend Mesosilver at Amazon.Com, top rated in lab testing. Complete details here, see testimonials at the end of the file:
Next you must kill the mold in your house. Mix 1 part bleach in 5 parts water and spray every place that mold exists.
Animal Feces in your house????? WTF ! THAT is unacceptable - get rid of the animals.
Hope this helps,