I'm starting to believe that it doesn't really matter how well you shower (as long as you do it everyday of course) or what products you use. The smell is coming from inside you, it's not on your skin. I also don't think supplements or probiotics, etc. really help. The only thing that makes a difference for me is diet. I eat very simple foods - veggies, chicken, rice, potatoes. Meat only once a day. Sugar and sauces are the worst. Even healthy foods like fruit I can't eat. I've also been to an endocrinologist and he couldn't find anything wrong. Keep track of what you eat and if get a reaction after eating something (or too much of something) stay away from it. Last night I had an ear of corn (which is usually not something I have) and later my daughter said "mom, did you fart?". So I know not to have corn anymore...