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Possible iodine deficiency, need help!
Sarahi15 Views: 965
Published: 9 y

Possible iodine deficiency, need help!

Hello guys,

I suspect I have a mild Iodine deficiency because for the past few years I've been having these ongoing relentless symptoms that point to me having an underactive thyroid. I recently went to the doctor to get some blood work done and everything came back nearly perfect, but I know somethings off because I'm still struggling with symptoms like:

- Depression
- Lethargy
- Dry and Brittle Skin and hair
- inability to gain weight (I'm not underweight, I'm a pretty healthy size but I don't seem to gain weight.)
- Anxiety

I know somethings off, I just don't know what it is exactly. My diets okay,it isn't the best but I think it's okay.

I don't drink any soft drinks, sugary beverages etc. I haven't in years.
I rarely eat fried foods...almost never.
I still struggle with refined bread though... I eat that ocassionally.
I don't drink or smoke.
I eat organic when I can afford it.
I drink alot of spring and distilled water with ACV.
I fast regularly.
I use organic products on my body.
I go on daily walks and try to get alot of light exercise.
I've never taken Antibiotics or prescribed meds, as a child I've taken things like Tylenol on a couple of ocassions, very rarely though.

As you can see, I have a fairly healthy lifestyle, I still don't know why I'm struggling with the symptoms that I am struggling with :/

I just purchased Lugols 5% Iodine Solution. I currently don't take any additional vitamins or supplements. I read that when one takes Iodine they have to take it with a bunch of other supplements fo r it to work??..could I take my iodine alone or do I need the other supplements?



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