I've had lip issues since September. Turns out I was deficient in iron and b12...I started taking supplements three month ago and changed my diet
Eight now I'm trying the anti inflammation diet. By February this year ALL of the skin on my bottom line fell off. So I started using aquaphor wr/7. Then the lip skin started falling off my top lip! So I went to a walk in clinic who then sent me to a dermatologist. She thought I was allergic to something... Turns out I'm only allergic to nickel. Right now it looks the worst it has ever looked, and I purposely didn't peel it off so I can show my dermatologist. I should mention I've been on Antibiotics nearly 12 times in the past 18 months because of chronic UTI'S. I think maybe there's a fungal issue? What do you guys think this looks like?? Any comment would be appreciated.
Oh, and now I only use protopic on them. I don't think it's helping any more.