Re: An Article about LIVER FLUSHES which Puzzled me.. (!)
Organizations like quackwatch are just from the establishment. They know all they have to do is introduce a small amount of doubt in order to sway or scare people back to conventional medicine and chronic illness, which keeps those in the establishment (FDA, pharmaceutical companies, etc.) very wealthy.
My mother has UTIs. I bought her D-mannose and gave her dietary suggestions, but she went to the doctor, took
Antibiotics , and now has chronic, constant UTIs and yeast infections. She just went again and got more
Antibiotics . She won't get on the computer and look up treatments, and only takes my advice sporadically. Her health is rapidly deteriorating. What can you do?
I don't think you can even trust naturopaths. I have been to quite a few and while some of their advice is good, they still have blinders on, and they still want to sell products, which makes them biased and invested in keeping people ill.
I wish I had a biology degree instead of a psych degree because then I could take the knowledge I've gained from my own experimentation and others' experiences and do some good.