Re: An Article about LIVER FLUSHES which Puzzled me.. (!)
Total farse. The article has similar versions floating around on the internet. and here in the debate forum. I did my first flush 12 years ago when I was very depressed when my dad passed away. I was lucky to have bumped into someone on the blogosphere who suggested to liver flush. There is nothing on this planet has made me feel that euphoric when 1000 plus stone came out in my first flush and
Depression gone totally.
I took all those stones to a lab through my doctor, who thought I had eaten peas or gren beans. The result from the lab showed that they were all cholesterol stones and also had a bacteria group in the middle of each stone. That tells you that the stones were not formed in my intestines with so called saopification.
I would not beileve such nonsense. I have so many stones come out in each of my flushes in past 12 years.
The best part is that it has kept me away from the doctors. Each one I visited prior to my
Depression wanted to put me on SSRIs, I am so lucky that I did not fall in that trap.
God bless that lady who told me about
Liver-Flush the same day as my diagnosis of being depressed.