Re: ozone and blurred vision?
I agree with Rog.
Useful to keep in mind some ozone basics:
check website created by Frank Shallenberger, MD
"oxygenhealingtherapies" dot com.
-Use an oxygen tank as a feed to the gen. Any other source will add molecules to the gas mix [nitrogen is one] which result in possibly harmful compounds
-the 'gamma', or the concentration of ozone in the gas mixture is important. High gamma ok for ozonated water.
-Rectal insufflation should be 40 gamma. Never more than 70. Pose question if in doubt. Expect a little 'sloughing' of the mucosa lining of the colon within couple hours of doing rectal insufflation. Regenerates in 12 hrs.
-Ear insufflation appears best with lower 03 concentrations [10-20 gamma]. I use a modified sthetoscope. Use a damp gauze layer between steth and ear. Avoids pressure build-up against the ear drum. Expect drainage to occur. May get detox symptoms as described in this forum.
-Using ice while ozonating water extends its shelf life and increases the 03 concentration in water. Tests show a max attainable gamma of about 12-15 in cold water.
-Best to use a gen with a 'glass corona'. Some inexpensive gens use a stainless steel corona. High grade stainless steel appears ok, but [to my knowledge] there are no tests analyzing if some extraneous compounds are created with the 03 reacting with the components of stainless. Having said that, stainless ok if used for 03 water.