Coffee, Cramping, Gas & More
I tried doing a little research on this myself here, but haven't found anything relating to my issues...specifically with drinking coffee.
I've been having severe stomach issues for quite a few years now. I've tried numerous things, including things suggested here with little luck unfortunately.
The last year has been especially awful, with no end seemingly in sight. Symptoms are, Multiple BM's in the morning, usually the first is mucusy...but not always. Usually have to go 5-7 times, and when i'm 'done' I still have discomfort, lately nothing but cramps. These used to be primarily in my right quadrant, but lately the left, and well basically all throughout my midsection from my ribs to my waist are cramping.
I've tried several things, all manner of probitics, fiber, supplements (apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes, betailn, name a few standards) and it doesn't seem to help with pain, and I just ended up developing gastritis. Probiotics always make it worse, or do nothing.
I've tried things to help the stomach lining...but nothings really helping with that either. Slippery elm, glutamine, DGL licorice...the licorice actually AGGRAVATES my gastritis, so that's out, and glutamine just constipates me...though at times it's a godsend so I don't have to go back and forth to the bathroom all morning through early afternoon. Oh and the movements are usually' solid, though thin, sometimes scraps, bits of undigested know, usual 'crap' you hear about on here.
I've been tested and diagnosed with sibo two years ago, and have tried things for that...but again, nothing seems to help.
I mention coffee as, where it used to help me 'clean out' a bit better, now doesn't really seem too, and can cause some major cramping in the evenings. Least I suspect this, again I tried researching this and only found posts on coffee enemas...and I have no interest in doing that :/
so anyways...just looking for advice here, sometimes the cramping is so sever I feel it in my head, not sure if that makes sense. I may be tensing my shoulders because it's so painful, but this is something new to me.