Re: What does accuracy mean in a zapper?
Still ignorant on the topic?
still no proof and only unproven claims and vague suggestions ?
Lordy, lordy, at least some people can find it on youtube. Hard to make a video lie.
1) you don't use the same technology
2) you have no reproduced the experiments and results (or please show us your videos with the effects of your signals of your zapper on the same organisms.
Just because it is not in one of the scientific journals owned by Big Pharma does not mean that it is not true.
i have never asked for that, don't be dishonest, an experiment done at one with objective measures is good enough.
the links you have on your page are what pseudoscience is all about, you mix all kinds of similar (but not the same) technologies and assume that your similar device (but nit the same) will produce the same results (ok i am open minded, please show us some proofs)