once the lips soak it up they become chronically dried
"once the lips soak it up they become chronically dried out and the skin dies"
Read your lips!
If I were you, this is what I would read from those lips:
- my lips are thirsty for water
- my lips are thirsty for good fats
translated into a plain English, it means:
- your body is thirsty for water
- your body is thirsty for good fats
triple your intake of clean water.
triple your intake of good fats.
eliminate your intake of all other drinks like coffee, soda ...
eliminate your intake of all other fats like deep fried oils, margarine, refined oils, heated oils.
good fats are cold pressed, unrefined, refrigerated or frozen, organic virgin oils like:
- olive,
- coconut
- flax
- almond
- hemp
- sunflower
- sesame
- other natural oils
and also all natural fats found in
- fresh sea fish
- fresh eggs
- fresh meat from grass fed animals