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Re: successful treatment by infectious disease specialist?
Positive mind Views: 1,679
Published: 9 y
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Re: successful treatment by infectious disease specialist?

Medical "leadership" is RETARDED.
I want to see this book written for babies being published and to read the reviews.
What you believe is something that happens everywhere. But what is not clear to me: he turns white and sends you away because:he does not know much about treatment OR if he is not supposed to treat you? Are they afraid to fail or they simply are not allowed to cure?
And no, not everyone can be an einstein but still, if i was a parasitologist, i would die to have the best knowledge in this subject and to be able to be unchallenged, also practically. Why do you choose a profession if you cannot excel in that, but rather fail, DAILY and that is being part also that you have a good practical knowledge? How could ICU and Mattk3 and some others figure it out, but THEY could not...? Mystery....
Talking about diganostics: recently heard of quite a few people who got very precisely diagnosed with bioresonance. Does anyone have experience with that?


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