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Re: successful treatment by infectious disease specialist?
mattk3 Views: 1,601
Published: 9 y
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Re: successful treatment by infectious disease specialist?

I figure after the book is written, and all the instructions are provided, for each parasite, in long form, so that a 12 year old can follow it, practitioners may follow it.


If testing were open to Victims,

and PCR analysis machines were deployed,

the diagnosis of parasitic illness could occur.


The right to bypass the doctor needs to be affirmed by the system, and the empowerment and tools to diagnose oneself need to be in place.


The CureZone experience seams to empower victims with a alternate system, one where the collective knowledge can be displayed, and identify the touchstones of what works most often, and what works best.

I Believe:

Personally I wish I just had a simple blood test 8 years ago, and someone, anyone other than I would have stepped in to fix the problem.

My experience was everyone ran.

Even the head of Gastroenterology turned white, sat down, and said he could not help me.

I was forced by the system to become a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on a subject I never wanted to, or should be expected to.

Medical Leadership is lacking in the field of Parasitology.



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