My brother and I both had seb derm from when we were both around 5-7 years old. We used to just think it was dandruff/dry skin until we were diagnosed in our early teens. It was very depressing to know I had a condition that could not be healed. My wealthy side of my family paid for my brother to go to one of the most expensive doctors you can get in Beverly Hills and the doctor did not prescribe him any medication. He was told to eliminate ALL sugars from his diet, this includes anything that turns into Sugar (pasta which I eat ALL the time). My brother did as he was told and cured his seb derm with diet and exercise. For me however, I have much more trouble sticking to the no Sugar diet. After reading this entire article, I truly do believe our condition has something to do with your digestive system. Everytime I went to a dermatologist, they gave me useless antifungals that worked for a couple days at best. When I was a child, I was constipated ALL the time, and was always drinking prune juice to help with it. I also passed out 5 times in my earlier childhood due to dehydration. I am starting tomorrow on the candida diet(because it eliminates sugar) and going to be taking a regular probiotic and working on some time of detox. I will post my results.