Re: Anyone who has gotten help by doctor?
I manage to get my GP to prescribe Bilcitride for tapeworm. I think she kinda just wanted to get rid of me as I was a bit upset. I've seen white segments at 3 occations so I'm concerned I might have a
Tapeworm as well.
I was only suppose to take 1 tablet of Bilcitride but I took 25mg/kg 3 times a day for a day and that's how I discovered what I think might be intestinal fluke?
I took that dosage last wednesday, so one week ago. I've still got symptoms and see eggs in my stool.
Rolled up tomato skins and smaller flukes that I believe is liver flukes.
I have another dosage of Bilcitride that I manage to get the same way at another doctor. So I've got 9 x 600 mg tablets now. It wouldn't do any harm taking this before I start the protocol right? At what dose do you recomend me if so? I'm about 54 kilos.
I've decided to start Praziqantel + albendazole.
The Triclabendazole did get delivered to me yesterday, after your post(thank you!) I've decided to not take it. Would it be good to take triclabendazoke after the Praziqantuel + Albendazole treatment if I still have liverflukes? Or should I completly leave it?
I'm so happy and thankful for the help, I've felt so completely lost in this. Running frequently back and forth to doctors for months and still be on square one is frustrating. I'm gonna take this in my own hands now. Even if they've taken a blood test for antibodies now I'm not sure I want the hospital to treat me for it, they really don't seem to know anything.
All the best,