I had been doing the herbal
parasite pill in the beginning also and it scattered the smaller worms and I could feel them biting and moving in my hands, arms, knuckles and tops of my feet.
I had read that by taking Pyrantel Pamoate it paralyzes them so they can't move while you are poisoning them. The only problem with that is, IF you have a great amount of them and they can block your intestines and that is very dangerous. I guess it is an issue with people that are constipated and have slow intestines. I took mineral oil because it Does Not get absorbed into the body and acts like a slide, so wear a female panty liner to save for embarrassing accidents. I never had an issue. I noticed that taking two tablespoons of olive oil for that extra fat content with the Albenza sticks in the body, doesn't flow through like the mineral oil. Remember that 40 grams of fat makes the Albenza work better.
It can get pretty old also eating that much fat, especially when you are not use to it. Olive oil is high in fat, butter. So learning to cook some tasty treats like crepes or fried potatoes helps. I used gluten free flour. Ice cream gets old REALLY REALLY fast. Love Ben & Jerry's. I am now just taking a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to get it over with and I don't have to mess with all the food stuff. Quantities of food intake is crazy.
I had read a lot of the oregano oil and vitamin c, salt that helps the process. I had been doing that last week and stopped when I started the
Antibiotics . Now I wish I had not stopped. I felt so much better while taking the Oregano oil pills and chewing the kids tasty 500mg vitamin c. So easy and tasty. I did the salt in my external body paste to dry up the fungus/yeast the
parasites gave to me.
Never know what the body is going to kick out. Good luck.