Exfoliative chelitis
Hi there,
This is my first post on the forum, although I was compulsively on this site for months.
I suffered with exfoliative chelitis for months, it came after an intense period of worry for me. I had the classic symptoms you guys discussed, the lips peeling and renewing every few days, the weird 'v' triangle on the upper lip that also peeled. I even went to a dermatologist, said he'd seen it in a couple of patients before but said it was difficult to treat, as you could imagine I felt pretty low.
Anyway, one day after feeling particularly low, my mum asked me to try her aveeno cream on it. I shot her down initially as I'd used a variety of moisturisers and none of them worked.
However one day i decided there would be no harm in giving it a go. I put it on regularly for a few days and the peeling subsided dramatically. The aveeno really seems to get it under control. Peeling still happens time to time but it is barely noticeable. I didn't want to say anything earlier in case it was a false dawn but it's been 5 months now and it still really helps. I still apply it regularly (3-4 times a day), but it is mostly precautionary and it keeps the peeling mild. I'm still not counting my chickens, it could come back tomorrow, but it's been 5 months now and I feel I have my life back.
I know it looks dodgy that some random guy who's never posted before comes on and reveals a product that helps massively, especially as that product is as common as aveeno cream! I'm sure a few of you have probably tried it aswel, but if it helped me I hope it can help some of you. And no I don't work for aveeno!
It is worth at least trying.
I wish you all the very best of luck as I know how low you can feel when you have this condition. And please try not to go on this forum so much and go out and enjoy life the best you can (easier said than done), it helped me anyway!
All the best,
Ps I live in the UK so used the UK version of aveeno ( don't know if that has different ingredients than other types)