I'll be interested to see how you reconcile my 'specialist' status with my exposé of the cancer racket, but I expect you'll find a way.
Also interesting that you (more or less) simply repeat my definition of what constitutes a religion in order to make your point about proof of the spirit realm. Every time you speak of your OAS, etc., you manage to shoot yourself in the foot. Yours was, is, and always will be 'another gospel' for as long as the prince of darkness holds sway over your life.
But as usual, you're quite mistaken in your belief that you have an inside 'tract' (sic.) on anything beyond what Lucifer himself is willing to feed you, either directly or, more likely, through one of his many flunkies. If the loop of which you speak is the Satanic circle, then yes, I'm so glad I'm well out of it. I move in circles about which you know next to nothing, and never will as long as you remain in his thralldom.
As for psychobabble, I believe that's your department, & I wouldn't wanna tread on your toes.