Qualify it as much as you like, but anything that cannot be empirically demonstrated to be true amounts to a religion by any other name, holy text, followers, preachers, etc etc or not. Even if that religion has just one devotee (ie yourself), it still constitutes a 'faith' of sorts. Misguided maybe, but still a faith.
You have a belief that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of mankind, so you will never be perceived as a serious threat or challenge to any of the world religions that still hold sway, much to the chagrin of people like (inter alia) Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) or Philip Pullman (His Dark Materials).
So it's Ted Christ is it? Hmm.....sorry to disappoint, but I really don't think that's ever gonna catch on. That is so blatantly an attempt to strip Jesus of His deity that it betrays you hands down as Satan's messenger. Good luck with that - not.
Yeah, I don't think you've fully understood my point about the definition of what constitutes a religion. Try reading it again in the context of this 'debate', but this time, try putting your tunnel vision to one side, if that's remotely possible. I appreciate that rational intercourse must be quite difficult for you, but you should give it a go sometime.
As for 'cutting the heart out of 'Christianity', you really do flatter yourself, don't ya? We have survived the persecutions of Caligula, Nero, Domitian and Diocletian, among many others; the subtle corruptions, open persecutions and even genocides of 'catholicism' (Waldensian, Albigensian, Huguenot and Serbian massacres); the rationalistic and atheistic philosophies of Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, Sartre and Neumann (et al). I strongly suspect we'll also survive the attentions of #461. Seriously.
And as for Ted - well, he's not the Messiah. He's just a very naughty boy.
Nice try at authoritarian psychobabble. And you haven't upset me yet. Or, novel idea, you could just hang with the idea maybe you're out of the loop on this one. That you should as the web master says--give me the benefit of the doubt, eh?
Neither you nor I can prove squat about the spirit realm, or the nature of god, in any verifiable way, at this point. As soon as we can post from the spirit realm, that'll change. With my inside tract to the collective unconscious, I'm rich with proof/evidence/video clips. It's all there.
The OAS'S totally aware of how deeply stuck in the 'elites' version of religions of any sort, humanity is. It's not helpful to pry them loose, so it's going to be taking apart the lies that support it. Exposing the criminals who run the scam under the 'religion' rocks. The control codes wrote into every 'holy text' in existence. It's coming. But that's his job, not mine. I just pass along what he wants me too.
And as noted previously, the 'satanic' forces worked for the 'elites'. They all went home after they weren't getting paid, unlike the 20 employees (probably more like 10 or so left now) here. Has anyone seen a 'demon' or 'satan' recently?
I know some of the employees here got that one payment after a couple months, with the back pay and stuff, but the arresting folks just did that to get that WYAN flushed out, to trick him back into posting. And they got him--I wouldn't expect to get paid again, if I were them.
And of course they got his password and login occasionally so the other 10 or so employees can't whine how I've driven all those other wonderful murdering employee 'regular' posters away.
And please, as a specialist, of course you'll be way more nimble rhetoric wise than Incharge--he's quite heavy footed. And as a specialist---drudge work is below your pay grade; they try to make you do it, but I don't think they're often successful.
I'll be interested to see how you reconcile my 'specialist' status with my exposé of the cancer racket, but I expect you'll find a way.
Also interesting that you (more or less) simply repeat my definition of what constitutes a religion in order to make your point about proof of the spirit realm. Every time you speak of your OAS, etc., you manage to shoot yourself in the foot. Yours was, is, and always will be 'another gospel' for as long as the prince of darkness holds sway over your life.
But as usual, you're quite mistaken in your belief that you have an inside 'tract' (sic.) on anything beyond what Lucifer himself is willing to feed you, either directly or, more likely, through one of his many flunkies. If the loop of which you speak is the Satanic circle, then yes, I'm so glad I'm well out of it. I move in circles about which you know next to nothing, and never will as long as you remain in his thralldom.
As for psychobabble, I believe that's your department, & I wouldn't wanna tread on your toes.
Alex Brown? Never heard of him. Do you mean Alex Jones by any chance?
Ya know, for someone who acts as Satan's mouthpiece, you seem to know surprisingly little about him. Then again, that is his main MO, so I guess that should come as no great surprise. Why not ask him yourself how he manages to appear as an 'angel of light' to you? Oh yeah, you can't, coz that would be tantamount to seeing him as he really is, rather than how he 'presents'. As long as you keep those blinkers firmly in place over your eyes, you are doomed to never know with whom you are communing. That suits Mr Devil just fine, so good luck with that.
No, I don't have a collection plate, so you can relax your grip on your purse. I won't be raiding it anytime soon. But give you the benefit of the doubt? There's nothing I would like more. Unfortunately for you, I have absolutely no doubt about the source of your delusions. You have fallen for his lies hook, line & sinker, and unless or until the scales fall from your eyes, you are destined to die in his grip.
Let's face it, we are never gonna agree about this, are we? And I mean..........NEVER. At least, not in this life. So this exachange, apart from being OT, and quite possibly infuriating most boarders, is an exercise in futility. By definition, we are diametric opposites, implacable enemies, and will always remain thus. There's no room for compromise with Satan as far as I'm concerned, and I'm more than content to let eternity be the final arbiter in this dispute.
I hafta wonder if you are rational enough to understand that I can no more abandon my faith than I can expect Satan to change his nature? He sealed his fate when he rebelled against his Creator. You don't believe he exists? You wanna poke fun at the idea? That's fine by me. I don't consider it my duty to convince you otherwise. That is not the primary calling of a Christian.
By all means make your own bed on that score, and continue lying on it. You will find out soon enough where that road leads. I seriously don't think there's anything else I can add that will make one scintilla of difference to what you believe either about yourself or me, so unless I'm very sadly mistaken, I think this exchange, just like all the others, has just about run its course.
Unless you have anything else to add that changes the tune, I'm calling time.