possible Mg deficiency
Similar to my results. Though I had a green soft floating "soup" with the flush of 200 ml (don't recommend to others this much OO, though).
You may not have bile stones and/or you may be deficient in Magnesium, so your body takes it in for other needs. I feel it may affect positively your health if you get to replenish your Mg stores by using 1/2-1 tsp a day of a powdered version, which you will dissolve in water - it comes cheaper that way - either Magnesium Chloride from health food stores, or better yet: CALM (powdered Mg carbonate + citrate which bubles up making Magnesiumm-citrate). You can do Epsom, toot, but i find it unpleasant to drink.
You will understand you need to slow the intake down if you get very pronounced loose BMs. Looser than normal, though, is good to clean your GIT, and you don't need to stop taking it.
Then after a month, you may try flushing again. BTW Mg will positively affect your kidney health too.