Change is what you need
Joints- pain when cold ... your problem is vegan diet.
vegan diet in hot countries like Africa, India, etc are ok ... but vegan diet in a country that has 4 seasons includig cold winter ... it may result with painful joints, candida overgrowth,
Seb-Derm etc.
If I were you, I would at least include fish in my diet.
Also, start liver flushing, all of your symptoms are connected to congested liver, mos likely damaged by
Antibiotics or by some other medications or some other chemicals.
After liver flushing, you will be able to better tolerate eggs and milk. Consider includig it occasionaly in your diet.
Eliminate from your diet:
- processed foods
- food
preservatives and
food additives
Sugar added to foods
- too much fruit juices --- especially in winter times
- yeast products like bread, pizza and beer