Colonics are a great healing tool - don't let the brainwash + misinformation fool you. The electrolyte or good bacteria, et al. issues are simply not true. It's WATER, for god's sake.
It usually takes a SERIES of colonics before the full length of the colon is reached. If you are getting good results, keep doing it without fear of overdoing it. Keep in mind you don't have to release a lot of matter to benefit. Often the body is dehydrated so the colon absorbs the water. This is helpful too - the dried, impacted matter is rehydrating for release later.
The liver stores lots of OLD stuff - colonics can be a big help.
Don't overthink it.
A great teacher of mine - through chronic illness years ago - had a colonic every day for over a year. Today she is in her 70's and glows like a teenager.