Re: Is my chronic anxiety caused by adrenal fatigue or my brain?
Too many toxins in your body.
Start doing a liver detox and this includes taking stuff like:
Milk Thistle
Pretty much whatever is in you is producing enzymes and toxins that cause you to go in to hyper-drive, and this in turn creates more adrenaline in your system which then releases more
Sugar for whatever infections you have in you to thrive.
Check out either candida, lyme, or
parasite forums and see if the symptoms also relate to that.
Stay away from amphetamines or anyone who does them at this point.
Start repairing your brain next.
Amino acids, start out with serotonin producing ones as you can't balance out the happy, good feelings with the energy (even though it doesn't feel like good energy a.k.a. euphoria).
GABA won't really help much as it is said it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier that much.
Choline would help.
Valerian Root will calm you down.
Start clearing your blood:
Ginger Root
If your immune system is not yet compromised, it will be soon due to what state you are getting in to now. paranoia and what not, as in the head it is the same for the immune system. You need to start calming yourself down with the head then moving it onward to the whole body.
Help the immune system out. Depending how much money you have, look in to Flucoidan, Beta Glucans, mix salt and Vitamin C powder together and drink that.
Ashwaghanda will help but only take this after most of the other problems have been fixed.