Re: High yeast/fungus, pinworms, D fragilis and die off advice
All these issues always apoear together. The candida cleanse should be your priority. While taking antifungals, be sure not to eat ANY carbs or ANY sugars (also no fruit) and no dairy. It is a hard regimen but all mentioned feed fungus. You can do additionally coconut oil after meals (tablespoon), caprilic acid, oregano oil and coriolus powder pills. My experience with nystatin was not so good. You have to keep at it for weeks. In the meantime,
Bowel Cleanse and loads of water. Once you have this under control you have a better chance with a
parasite cleanse, be it protozoa or anything else. The reaction you mentioned could be die off. You might be feeling worse as well but this will pass. Pinworms are also hard to get rid off, meds in combination with naturals should work, and also you need to steam clean your house iften and change bedding/clothing daily. You should wash above 65 celsius. Surely you will get good guidance from the holistic doctor. (But not the general ones)
If you are not too sick and you feel fit enough, you can do a full shanka prakshalana bowel cleanse. This will flush everything in a matter of few hours. You can find videos on youtube however i would suggest to do it with a yoga teacher the first time to get it right. This is a tough one but it saves time and money.