Re: Parasite in the brain?!?!
I have been considering seeing a ID Doctor although I don't know if I'd be wasting my time. I have wasted lots of time in the traditional medical community but since I've been
parasite cleansing I'm seeing the big picture come together now in that everything started here and I really hope that even though not easy will be where it ends.
I know stool tests are not very reliable for high incidence of false negatives and what have you. I don't know a lot about how they would test for anything in my brain. Obviously a blood test but do you think these tests are more reliable and do they even know what to look for.
Given the large amount of infestation I've seen confirmation on just over this past week and only in my gut, I'm finding it hard to believe my brain is also not part of this thing. The symptoms are there. The headaches too. When I herx really bad a
coffee enema helps everything but the headache usually stays. Is that die off specifically in my brain? I feel like it's getting worse.
Lastly if anyone lives in the Dallas Texas area and knows of any good doctors I would be glad to hear about them.