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Re: Parasite in the brain?!?!
RenegadeXan Views: 2,406
Published: 9 y
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Re: Parasite in the brain?!?!

I just wanna tell you that I understand your frustration about the whole big pharma thing and I see this trend going around quite a bit. A lot of people yell and shout how big pharma this, big pharma that and I agree with it all.

I already know this stuff and my concern about zapper safety wasn't about the saftery of zappers but about using zapper specially for the brain as the brain is a very sensitive area.

I am curios how you can say these are all parasites in the brain though, I mean, we know for sure that it is toxins, mostly heavy metal, pesticides and just whatever load of junk that's out there but when it comes to parasites in the brain there really isn't much info.

I am also well aware of the farce of "research funding" the "search for the cancer cure" we all know there has been thousands of ways for this since the history of man.

Again, I dont see why you think, im trying to scare other people away, I am genuinely looking for other people experiences with what I am going through. Other people opinions are good because everything can be dangerous. A lot of herbs are good, a lot of herbs will also kill you.

I have been my own guinea pig ever since I have gotten sick and I have done things people would never have ever thought of in a yes, desperate attempt to heal myself and I will keep on doing so, either get better or die trying.

Thanks for the zapper comments, I am on a tight budget and I had been considering a zapper for a long time but never tried it, so I guess the time has come for me to give it a shot and I'll go with the SCADA RSG-4 zapper if I do.


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