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I'm no expert by any means --
mgardner Views: 1,751
Published: 20 y
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I'm no expert by any means --

This is only my 2nd cleanse and I'm on day 4. The first cleanse was 15 days! I'm hoping to go another 11 days to make it to 15 again!

The first day was horrible, and I messed up. I couldn't make it through the day and ended up eating that night (Monday). Tuesday I dug my heels in and here it is Friday and I haven't wavered once. The hunger is gone -- but not the habit. I don't have any physical hunger, but find myself "craving" those old comforts. Once you get to day 3 or 4 your digestive system will slow/shut down and you won't have any cravings (but do try to ignore the head hunger). I find when I get a headache, this means I don't have enough water in my system and I drink more (and it goes away). Yes I'm lethargic, but I also feel an incredible calm. Pre-MC I was toxic from too many carbs and Sugar -- and that lethargy can't be compared to what I'm feeling now. The shakiness is gone!

Drink your tea, and do your SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) (though I do not do this). For some (like myself) the tea morning and night works for me -- just make sure you eliminate 3-4 times a day.

Best of luck and I look forward to reading your updates.



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