I was in the same boat my negative thoughts were fuct up and making me go insane!!
I think it was from mold.
anyways I was all so getting stiff neck that was crazy sore.
I went made taking all kinds of suplements thinking they were going to help but they made me feel worse! my liver was not working right and I only started to feel better when stopping all the pills.
what helped me the most was drinking a lot of freash water with Sea Salt , I now drink 2 to 3 L a day and when I do not I start getting bad brain fog agian. The other thing that helped me was I got some hemp oil and I would put the hemp oil in capsuls the pop then up my ass 1 to 2 times a day, you could all so do it with coconut oil but the hemp oil worked the best, all so cut out ALL procesed food. hope this helps.