Re: Call for Parazapper to release schematics to public domain
His zapper isn't patented. He said it couldn't be patented because he didn't invent the zapper. He just tweaked something that already existed.
But honestly, who cares about any of this? I have no problem with zappers. Whatever floats your boat! I have a problem with Parazapper and 461 virtually taking over any forum that is marginally related to
parasites with their gorilla marketing. Has anyone else noticed that those threads are always the longest? Entire pages of Para/461 exchanges only between themselves. They are doing this so that anyone new reading curezone for
parasites ONLY sees info about zappers. 461 won't even go into detail about herbs. She just uses the blanket term. What herbs?? How much?? Any questions like this get the response to read
Hulda Clark 's book. Why?? If they are so voiceful and prolific with their postings why not go into more detail about these magical "herbs"? The answer is its not about herbs, it's about the goddamn zapper and that's it. If anyone else attempted to market anything else on curezone to the degree that Parazapper has they would be shut down immediately. Never once has Parazapper even addressed that he has been given free reign to market on curezone without impunity. The hypocrisy is so goddamn infuriating. All he does is complain about big pharma stomping on the little guy yet no one is stopping him from turning most of curezone into nothing but the Para
Zapper Forum . And on top of that, he won't even reply to private messages on CZ (per another exchange I just read) about issues with his product because "curezone is not the official Parazapper support center". It most certainly is the center of parazappers marketing and promotion. It's his f***ing campaign headquarters for Christ's sake! He posts more on any
parasite forum here than anyone else so he 1) has ample time on his hands and 2) is already on the site to begin with. There is NO reason he should not be replying to personal messages on CZ about his product.
He is the worst of the worst in terms of hypocrisy. It's sickening that he tries to blame "pharma" for something he does himself 10 times over!