8 y
I believe it's a bit more like tearing...
Interesting. You certainly know a lot about zapping, parazapper. Maybe a blog would be a great place to get all your accumulated wisdom in one place for us all to be able to access when we want. :)
I get my information straight out of the collective unconscious which, while it makes me sound totally dotty, thanks to the 'elites' brainwashing on the subject, is actually a real place, out in the spirit realm, also a real place, similarly hidden and suppressed.
Both are a level of existence denied us--we're like Helen Keller, deaf, dumb and blind for the most part with only little gut hunches from it. In part due to some physical limitations on our part but very much because the 'elites' brainwashing because you can find out real spiritual information and wouldn't need their religions, plus find out what evil things they were up to, also.
Information from there indicates that the zapper does destroy the integrity of the
parasites cells--not quite cutting them. It's more like tearing.
Definitely a rare to cite resource, but it's my source. And it was completely unavailable to the 'elites' and their revision of 'truth', so it's 100% uncorrupted memories of what really happened.
Not the totally distorted corrupted written version that served the 'elites' abusive agenda. It contains every human's memories from their first life until now... It's huge. And stuffed with information.