8 y
I wouldn't hold my breath. parazapper.
I wouldn't hold my breath. parazapper. I do realize you don't like me much, but I think you realize I'm not wrong about there being only employee actors here. You don't of course have to say, and set yourself up for that harassment.
If and when I see a real poster, I'll happily share what I know, from my own success, what I've found to get well again. No hawking of this supplement, or that miracle cure there, or this drug or any other fiddle fuss thing espoused here with all the sales pitches disguised as 'helpful advice'...
The employees are going to flame, if they can't get their cartel-financed way. It's a given. The only way curezone won't have flaming and character assassination, bullying, harassment, or denying of the stuff that helps, any more is if you and I leave and no one opposes their cartel driven agenda which never brings up anything they have to deny.