Re: Breaking 8.5-day fast tomorrow - Refeeding thoughts.
with re-feeding, and for some time, you might want to eat a combination of blended walnuts, asperagus and avocado.
This is an an anti-cancer treatment.
(Archus mentioned cancer...)
Also consider that a cyst likely has a very strong mental/emotional/psychological component. The body has a self-healing, innate capacity, but the mind has to be working in sync, because in actuality, mind is the builder.
This is why affirmations that fail to address any stored-away contradictions fail to bring the results one says one desires.
If there are subconscious causes, traumas or reasons to create and maintain a "cyst", for example, this is a rather elegant way to sequester unacknowledged or otherwise overwhelming feelings/thoughts/belief systems that might be running, counter to one's consciously stated wishes and desires.
The Emotion Code can be helpful, for some people who can resonate with it. It's a good system. And can be self-taught, through reading the book.
Water fasting is wonderful, in many ways. And it's wonderful to see and recognize how the mind can be given the beneficial task of looking for "trapped" emotions, and their associated structures and disharmonies. The mind is always going to be busy doing something--better to get it focussed on the new.
On healing and wholeness. Meanwhile, I would bless all cysts for
doing some not-so-appreciated work of sequestering what
has up to now been stuff the body doesn't know how else to deal with.
In women, there can be what's called "functional" cysts, and these can relate to one's own fundamental, or deeper power, at the very basis of one's being, and perhaps not 'taking it up', but choosing to/feeling one must let it 'lie dormant', for a time.
You see what I'm getting at. . .
It's a huge shift in the entire universe, so to speak, to just turn one's attention to thanking the elegance of the body, for doing the impossible. And resolving to do one's best to align the mind in all its levels, to assisting the body to do what it fully wants to!
which is not to sicken or attack itself, but to be nothing less than what you would have it be.
You might also look at the Dynamind technique which I've posted a link to. It seems almost too simple to be believed, but
at the very least, is worth a try. . . seems like fun too.
Best wishes,