Re: Mirena and possible mini-stroke?
I had a similar experience last year after my 3rd child, conceived immediately after mirena removal -removed for intensified mood disorder and panic attacks (including severe breathing and circulatory difficulty such as cramping and stiffening of limbs). *interesting fact, mirena iud is not recommended for anyone with a preexisting mood disorder, but no one mentioned this or any risks when it was inserted. I strongly believe that the current studies, testing and FDA regulations are not complete or advanced enough to determine the proper safety and true risk factors of these medications, and not only are the consequences sometimes devastating to peoples lives, the medical community and most of society is not listening to women reporting their symptoms, and use skepticism wrapped around ignorance to shut down patients questions and concerns. Healthcare needs to be more about healing and less about medicating to suppress symptoms or natural bodily processes.
Here are the complete symptoms during my supposed ministroke: "blurred vision, speech difficulty, numbness or loss of arm and finger function, extreme fatigue, dizziness, mild delusion, trouble breathing, ***an extreme internal head "explosion"*** occurring twice: once before the hospitalization- "felt like a pulsating/ echoing head ache unlike any normal head ache ever felt, almost paralyzing," and the second time was after hospitalization: a loud and extreme internal pop occurred in the top of head accompanied with vomit, and fainting afterwards. Inability to read, add, follow simple conversations or instructions. Alarmingly frequent urination. All of which started after extreme fatigue and sleep depravation following pregnancy/birth. The patient describes the serious time of her illness like being severely autistic, like a 'ghost in a machine' having a very hard time connecting with the body and brain to properly function. Also note, a similar extreme bout of fatigue occurred about a year prior to this episode accompanied with panic attacks, extreme cramping and difficulty breathing, loss of arm / hand function, and numbness in limbs, body weakness and lack of appetite. The patient notes these symptoms began and or worsened after insertion of mirena iud after 2nd child birth."