I'm thinking I might have a chance at this... If you all are expelling mucous as you say you are on this fast I dont wanna think about how much I'll be expelling... hell 10 minutes on a treadmill and I propably hork up .5 liters of clear mucous (literally, propably more). Plus I produce so much as it is I have full time post nasal drip (mucous steadily flows out of my sinuses into my stomach.
Two more questions though..
1. It was mentioed above that my condition may worsen as a result of the cleanse due to its nature... why is this?
2. The cleanse is said to expell mucous from the system... but what of it REDUCING overall mucous production over the long term... does it do both? Because the latter would be a help to my situation, while the former would have only a temporary effect (namely only while on the cleanse).