I agree with all of the wonderful suggestions here, especially eliminating the mucus forming foods which is key.
Also, you will notice an improvement because while you are on the cleanse you are not taking in those foods, so, that should be an indication that you should not take them in after you are off the MC.
You have the excess mucus when cleansing because your body is really trying to get rid of it, because it is excess.
Inflammation produces excess mucus so what ever is causing the inflammation is key to treating the underlying cause.
It could be a
food allergy , which dairy is a well known allergen.
Wheat is another...
If I don't feel good after eating something, I record what it was and stay away from it, as that is what I no doubt am allergic too.
food allergy symptoms will come the day after you have eaten that food, so, keeping a record of what you're eating makes it easier to determine what you are allergic to.
Something that nuetralizes the hystamine response is: Bromelain & quercetin, and nettle herb, these 3 together.
I took these for an entire year, stopped eating dairy, and my allergies are completely gone and have stayed that way.Along with my carrot juice...
Carrot juice completely dissolves excess mucus and is a good habit to get into after your cleanse, (unless you juice fast;-)
Including with a dash of cayenne.
I strongly suggest a
parasite Cleanse which has also been linked to sinus issues.
I also suggest garlic every day, up to 5 cloves daily.
There are so many things that can be causing a persons symptoms and each person is different, but, getting rid of the obvious things first is a good start, and that is dairy.
Also, learning how to flush the sinuses is a must if you want them clean, especially when you have a condition. It does not sound pleasant but it works and is part of the recipe for maintaining healthy sinuses.
Hope this helps~
Have a great week!