9 y
Paragone symptoms- ringing/buzzing in ears, chest pain, rapid heart rate
I started Paragone just before the new year and on the day I upped the dosage I experienced some mild chest pain (I am 28 F and healthy as far as recent check up says!). It was the holiday so lots of drinking and over eating and a couple cigarettes were involved, so I didn't think much of it. That night I took my evening round of Paragone and went to sleep. I woke up to what I thought was a mosquito but turned out to be ringing in my ears (never had this before) and some more chest pain (nothing alarming but kind of a dull, burning that made me anxious). Additionally I started having extremely rapid heart rate from this point on for the next few days. I'm talking at rest shooting from 65-70 to 100-114 in moments which is VERY uncomfortable. I discontinued any toxic behavior and discontinued Paragone to be sure my health was okay. After 5 days off the cleanse and feeling completely better I started Paragone again, beginning with the low dose yesterday which I only took twice and drank some dandelion tea, upped my water and took some other vitamins as well (l-arginine, orthinine, probiotics, coq10) but low and behold I woke up to quite loud ringing in my ears again!! Somewhat subsided as I got up and walked around but it's rather annoying. Other than that I feel fine but I'm nervous the next thing is recurrence of the chest pain and rapid heart rate which was a nightmare and then gave me anxiety. I've never seen anything evident in my stool for the record but also haven't made it past day 4 of cleanse.
My question is, are these symptoms from die-off or could I be having a weird reaction to one of the herbs? Can I take DE while cleansing to help the process or is that overdoing it? I really want to complete this cleanse but I'm concerned as I really did not feel well (in fact went to two urgent cares on New Year's Day but we're both closed and had to drive to my parents house as I was feeling faint and took an hour and a half for my heart rate to go down to a level where I could drive safely!)
Anyone else experience freaky symptoms like that from the cleanse? I started this bc my roommate turned me on to the idea, I didn't have any symptoms or health problems I was attributing to
parasites to begin with but figured Why not!?