PinX didn't show any parasites
Hi guys, I took a full dose of PinX 2 days back but I didn't find any
parasites in my stools.
I don't have any major
parasite symptoms except that I feel some wriggling sensations in the same 3-4 points of my body but I don't think they are
parasites because it usually occurs only when I sit in a particular position and they are gone as soon as I move my body. I think they are muscle twitches or something else. I don't feel any biting sensations in my body either.
My main concern is that my Eosinophils have been rising since September 2014. They are:
1% (47/cmm) in September 2014
3% (198/cmm) in April 2015
4% (256/cmm) in December 2015.
I do suffer from candida and bad digestion if that's related to Eosinophil count in any way.
I will be doing another PinX flush one day before the next full moon since I have read that
parasite migrate back to the GI track around the full moon.
No lab in my country offers ELISA tests so I am stuck to diagnose it on my own. I can't conclude if I have
parasites or not.