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Re: PinX didn't show any parasites
PinX flushes Flat worms (flukes), Tapeworms, Pinworms, and about 6 kinds of worms. It is broad spectrum.
I had
Ascaris (Elisa positive).
I saw plenty of flat cones,seeds,segments, heads, black oval. never saw ascaris. I vomited round worms for weeks though.
My Eosinophils were up in 2009 and the dr diagnosed pneumonia. - wrong!
Round worms of the larger types, hide in nests, bones, Lymph, years before they go hyper.
The only way to eliminate Roundworms, is to do the Elisa test.
I have found out that labs can send out kits. Learned this from fellow CZ folks working in teams in the same Provence.
They go to lab, have blood drawn, pay to have box shipped.
Also, PinX does not work on Protozoa/Amoeba. Alinia and Flagyl do these.