Re: Start my 4th twenty one day water fast
Yeah, the allopathic complex is just perverse. They want to overdiagnose and get more revenue, just like a sleazy auto-mechanic. I think future peoples will see our time as an unholy alliance between factory food and healthcare (30% of GDP in total) combining into a massively corrupt regime that perpetrated tens of millions of deaths.
Oncologists, etc. probably get giddy when they see ads for $6 Pan Pizzas, 99c big macs, and 2-liters of Coca-Cola half off. It is raining dollar signs..
On Dec 7th I am fasting 21 days on water then going to juice for a few weeks up to the ultrasound... go from there.
I am still new at this, but it seems that 30 days is a better bet for your water fast, since you have already done 20-day fasts before, and they did not destroy your tumor...
Is it correct to describe your tumor as all of your fat collects into a single ellipse, whereas with others, fat is more evenly distributed around the body?