can anybody help me?
I have been dealing with some kind of health problem for the past 7 years. I was always healthy. but i became homeless and then i went to jail for a while and halfway through my stay i started having weird feelings of worm like creatures moving through my feet and legs, and loosing wait and just not feeling myself. I made the doctors in jail give me test after test and stool samples and they said nothings wrong. I got out and have been to soo many doctors over the years and none of them think there is anything wrong with me. ( Or just dont want to say it for some reason...)
I tried to ignore it and my health has consistently declined and i've tried alot of stuff like praziquantel, ivermectin, albendazole, and diets and herbs and for a while the cleanses were showing some weird stuff in the toilet im pretty sure i passed a foot long worm and even took it to the doctor to make him prescribe me albendazole but nothing is working. I can feel these HUGE
parasites moving through my entire body now. In my face, stomach, arms, legs... everywhere! Just the past 3 weeks the jumping episodes/ muscle spasms?? or whatever they are are getting soo out of control. My right hand the past 3 weeks has consistently been moving by itself very strongly and it feels like theres a huge worm in the palm of my hand and it keeps moving around. I got desperate and got safeguards fenbendazole for dogs at the store and took 3 days worth of it. Theres a forum on here that has people saying they use it so i gave it a shot and i am feeling like shit. It is definately having some kind of effect and it feels to me like a strong die off. My mood is bad im extremely irritable but i feel like im dying. Even before the fenbendazole i was dying and now on it i feel terrible. I have not gotten a
parasite diagnosis but i've only used local labs. Thinking about using Genova which used to be metametrix. ANY ADVICE???