Thank you everyone for taking the time and reading my story. I will look into the hair analysis. Though from what I've been seeing its in around the $160 range, I'll have to just keep looking.
Thank you for the information about the defective gene, I do remember my mother telling me about her having a type of skin reaction once. The thing that's weird though is I only have it on my face. Not any where else on my body. I will look into the herbs you listed.
How many have you done? and was it intense?I've think that's what I'm going to do, but from what I read you should do a parasite cleanse before you do a liver cleanse.
Does anyone know of any symptoms of having a parasite? I wake up religiously every night with weird twitches, and I'll be itchy. I don't really have a hard time falling back asleep, but its just an annoying habit and I'm not sure whats causing it.