Re: Calling All Cure Zone Veterans.
Hi Jinx178 (hah I realize your username is quite similar to mine)
Note: Apologies because I'm not a curezone veteran. I'm just an
Acne veteran with a similar story to the OP. I'm new to the forum, and a lot of good answers have been given, so I hope I'm not repeating advice and apologies if I am.
A little backstory:
I'm 23(f), acne-free for around a year or so now. Too bad I picked at my face though, as I'm left with textural scars. But I'm learning to accept them and appreciate what I've been through, because as you can probably relate it was a very painful experience having acne.
I went through 6+ years of pretty regular, cystic hormonal acne, from about my junior year in h.s. (my parents officially divorced around the same time curiously enough) til around this time last year, now that I think about it.
I went on birth control originally for acne, but knew, like you mentioned among other things, that it was just a temporary fix. And a shitty one at that.
It almost ruined my relationship at the time because of my
Depression and mood swings. So I went off it and started researching the sh*t out of acne, because my breakouts wanted to come right back.
Anyway, that's probably enough about me. I'm going to make a pretty general recommendation based on what you wrote. I think you're totally right in thinking what you're doing is only a temporary fix.
Healing from
Acne takes time. For me it did. Especially if you have gut problems which I had and you do. Some cream or vitamin or herbal supplement wont take care of the problem entirely if your lifestyle doesn't support clear skin. What worked for me, and continues to work is:
A Gut-Healing Diet, specifically a Low-FODMAP diet. I'm surprised this isn't mentioned for
Acne sufferers more, but I'm trying to change that. I've done the crazy diet rollercoaster before and it's done a whole lot more harm than good. This, despite the un-sexy name, FEELS good. It's also completely tailorable because it allows you to find what exactly causes you gut issues. Seriously, check it out.
I recommend against the liver flushes. Please. Don't. Do. Them. I've done them in the past, back before I didn't care if things were clinically proven or not, and it did nothing. I'm not against holistic medicine entirely, but I now highly value clinical evidence, of which there is none for liver flushes.
If you want to supplement to help balance out hormones, I would recommend Berberine. I won't go too deep here on it, but it helped me when I needed extra ammo against acne. Always know side effects before taking things though.
Final tip: a good probiotic every day. I'm a fan of drinking kombucha and making my own probiotic sh*t because sh*ts expensive if you get it at the store.
Wow. That was long. I'm tempted to do a tl;dr but sincerely hope you read all of this and benefit from it, even in a small way.
Let me know how it goes, whatever you decide to do!