Is this Candida or something else???
I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my health??? Is it mercury, demodex, parasites, or the one and only candida?????
The bad:
Itchy Scalp
Hair loss
Eyesight worse in winter and all over the place
Itchy Anus
Itchy skin
Mild eczema
The good:
eat healthy non processed diet
don't eat sugars unless natural such as in fruit
exercise daily
drink only tea and water
Epsom Salt baths once a week
have been on clarika for one month for
parasites (haven't noticed a difference in any conditions)
Lugols daily
Only wash hair with natural options
Drink tumeric tea twice a day
take homemade grass fed bone broth daily
have done 12 liver flushes, haven't noticed a change in any symptoms
have done 15 rounds of the cutler protocol, none of my symptoms changed
take 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily
Please help me figure this out and if you have recommendations they are more than welcome as I am at a loss of what I have.