Faster Metabolism from Iodine
Hi I've noticed my metabolism speeding up for almost the past 3 months since last taking high dose of Iodine, close to 100mg lugol/iodoral.
I've seen from Grizz's statements that because I didn't take the co supplements I may have damaged my thyroid. Although from Ginagirl's posts which linked to Dr Brownstein, I understand its a 'transient' or temporary hyperthyroidism.
I've read some places on the internet that the temporary
Iodine induced hyperthyroidism can last up to 6 months.
After approximately almost 3 months in I am trying to adapt to the higher metabolism until my thyroid resets to normal functioning again. It's pretty hard to adapt to until it resolves. I've been told by many I've lost a lot of weight, not unhealthy as I was fairly overweight before but I don't want to become underweight, which I kind of doubt or at least hope won't happen like in the movie thinner by Steven Spielberg.
Some of the symptoms are high heart rate, worn down weak feeling, and the high metabolism certainly doesn't help preexisting psychological problems at least initially. Although both physical and mental symptoms appear to be a Detox as best as I could explain it. Like an emotional detox, and physically even though I'm hurting I know not craving
Sugar and fatty unhealthy foods, along with losing unhealthy weight, has to be some sort of healing because I could never break those addictions before. Even when I fasted for 3 months I relapsed because the temptations were too great to eat unhealthy.
Anyway I don't think I have a question other than maybe a way to speed up the transiency of this, and to let others know my experience for their own journeys with Iodine.